Return to Website {{ message }}

Quick Loan

Please fill in the details carefully.

{{ title_error }}
{{ first_name_error }}

{{ middle_name_error }}
{{ last_name_error }}
{{ email_error }}
{{ gender_error }}
{{ dob_error }}
{{ phone_error }}
{{ address_error }}
{{ city_error }}
{{ state_error }}
Next of Kin Information

{{ nok_first_name_error }}

{{ nok_middle_name_error }}
{{ nok_last_name_error }}

{{ nok_relationship_error }}
{{ nok_gender_error }}

{{ nok_email_error }}
{{ nok_phone_error }}

{{ nok_address_error }}
{{ nok_city_error }}
{{ nok_state_error }}

{{ loan_type_error }}

{{ business_name_error }}
{{ rc_number_error }}

{{ working_status_error }}
{{ monthly_income_error }}

{{ biz_address_error }}
{{ biz_city_error }}
{{ biz_state_error }}

{{ amount_requested_error }}
{{ amount_requested_in_words_error }}

{{ duration_of_loan_error }}
{{ loan_purpose_error }}

{{ referred_by_error }}

{{ bank_account_name_error }}
{{ bank_account_number_error }}
{{ bank_account_type_error }}

{{ bvn_error }}
{{ bank_name_error }}

Please Note: Each file should not be more than 5MB.
If your file is more than 5MB, kindly compress before attaching the file.
Upload Valid ID card with signature e.g Int'l Passport, Driver's Licence, etc
This is for companies to upload their latest audited financial statement/Management account
Upload 6 months Most Recent Bank Statement
Upload Utility Bill
Upload Certificate of Incorporation
Upload Forms CO2/CO7

You can upload up to 5 additional files e.g POS, contract etc(Optional)

Select No. of files